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The internet activist |
Life is so interesting...sometimes we want to grab all the chances...GOD created...but GOD knows the best for us...DO THE BEST...SUCCESS IS FAILURE TURN UPSIDE DOWN.
Who is Aaron Swartz?
May let him RIP. Who is he? I just got to know that he was an Internet Activist and computer programmer. According to TechRepublic.com writer, he was famous on pursuing and stopping the censorship that the American government want roll out.
Those who want to know more, u can google about him and there's a you tube about him. Here goes quote from the writer, a talk "“How we stopped SOPA” talk last May at Freedom to Connect 2012 in Washington D.C" ".
Kehidupan - berkongsi ilmu (Sharing)
Books are my favourite subjects. They never fail to intrigue me, to see the world, life and events through the eyes (hands and mind) of the writers. This habit will never leave me for as long as I live, I hope, unless Allah has better plan for me. My choices of readings are mostly non-fiction, facts, events that happened, biography, memoir and motivations thru actual events. Lately, I have turned to more on Islamic motivation books, mostly written in Bahasa Malaysia or Bahasa Melayu or English.
Reading makes me more critical in assessing things, broader my space of thinking. Sometimes what I have read, is actually the real thing that I have gone through, this make me think more of my Creator, ALLAH and my religion.
I would like to share and quote from this book "Give & Take antara Hamba & Pencipta" by Nurulain Ahmad (PTS Islamika Publisher)------> "Rawatan kepada Umat Islam utk menghadapi musuh Islam:
- Kembali mengamalkan Islam - Islam bukan agama ciptaan manusia, silibus adalah Quran dan sunnah Nabi Muhammad.
- Sebarkan Ilmu Pengetahuan Islam - amalkan Islam utk diri sendiri dan bantu utk org lain memahami.
- Ambil tahu perkembangan Dunia - membantu saudara seMuslim yg lain dan juga bukan Muslim
from page 115". Credit to the writer.
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Allah...syahdunya. Alhamdulillah |
I know it is difficult for both Muslim and non-Muslim to react with each other. My only choice is to practice the Islam way from the readings of Quran and be soft on the non-Muslim. InsyaAllah. My prayer "Ya Allah terimalah taubat ku Ampunkan dosa-dosa kami. Tiada niat di hati utk melukakan mana-mana pihak. Tangan ini menulis utk menyedarkan diri dlm mencari ketenangan dan redhaMU. Please Allah forgive our sins and we repent". Amin.
Ha...this is another sharing from my MIDI -- favourite magazine--- Jan 15 issue. "Dealing with menopaus and stay healthy, by doing the following:
- Eat healthily - from soy sources base as a phytoestrogen source
- Make sure get a good amount of sunlight from outside - hey get out of the house early morning
- Don't smoke - well I don't but my other half did. Oh dear.
- Don't drink alcohol - hmm...I am Muslim I don't but I drink soft drinks....oh dear
- Exercises, run, etc - mine is walking in the garden....oooh yeah.". Credit to http://www.facebook.com/mmidi.
While writing, this song - title - Getaran Cinta di Jiwa catch my ears:
"di hati ku cinta bermula dan rindu ku seharum bunga ...setiap detik kini nyata hanya diri mu sja namun jauh d sudut hati mungkin kah kau ku miliki tak ingin aku bsendiri lagi kehilangan mu oh kasih x sanggup ku mghadapi Tuhan sungguhnya Kau lebih mengerti ...... ku tulis lagu dengarkanlah getaran di jiwa....seandai kau mengerti katakanlah siapalah yg ada d hati mu...telah sekian lamanya kau bertakhta di dlm jiwa...sesungguhnya rindu ku utk mu." This is a lyric of a song (one of my favourite singer - ..wait wait I need to google....ha...Liza Hanim another version of Datuk Siti Nurhaliza).
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Datuk Siti Nurhaliza |
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The singer - Liza Hanim |
Mudahan hari ini memberi kebaikan utk semua. Terimalah keburukan dengan ketenangan sebagai ujian utk kita redhai. Selamat Jalan dan jumpa lagi.
How do I feel today?
Life feels great or not great. It all depend on how u deal with the arising issue. My current issues for the past 2 weeks - dealing with inlaws - brother in law, mother in law, sister in law...etc. Every time I went back to stay with my in laws the same issues stuck like glue. Allah, aku insan yg lemah, gagal mengawal emosi marah, tidak suka pd sikap my mil. Tetapi aku masih berpegang pada kata2 nasihat yg lebih kurang begini maksudnya -" perkara yg kamu tidak sukai itu mungkin adalah perkara yg baik kemudian hari". Perasaan ini semakin ketara bila dia pulang dr umrah sejak 1 tahun lebih.
Allah !!! celarunya pemikiran ini, stress sikit. Aku mmg menantu yg will say what is in my mind, ilmu agama aku agak kurang tapi tidaklah sampai aku murtadkan diri sendiri. MIL ada 11 org anak, punya ramai saudara mara. Rumahnya mmg selalu ramai tetamu yg x dikenali. The latest incident bile suami aku bw aku pergi rumah abgnya krn ibu dia ada kat situ sbb adik ipar bersalin. Aku cukup2 marah tapi that is the turning point yg reaksi dan marah, aku tunjukkan dgn bhs badn. Aku rasa tak selesa nak balik rehat. Bukan aku cemburu tp lebih kepada rasa tidak selesa dan mil boleh kluar dan kata masuk le, malu kat org. Berdengung telinga aku. Argh.... TAK SUKA.
Atau aku yg emosi dan tidak menyenangkan. Mil bukan bodoh tp suka bercerita dan bw cerita dr satu cerita ke satu cerita. Tidak pernahkah dia rasa penat.
Ya Allah, ampunkan kesalahan ku. Ku pohon kebaikan dr segala permasalahan ini. Amin.
Allah !!! celarunya pemikiran ini, stress sikit. Aku mmg menantu yg will say what is in my mind, ilmu agama aku agak kurang tapi tidaklah sampai aku murtadkan diri sendiri. MIL ada 11 org anak, punya ramai saudara mara. Rumahnya mmg selalu ramai tetamu yg x dikenali. The latest incident bile suami aku bw aku pergi rumah abgnya krn ibu dia ada kat situ sbb adik ipar bersalin. Aku cukup2 marah tapi that is the turning point yg reaksi dan marah, aku tunjukkan dgn bhs badn. Aku rasa tak selesa nak balik rehat. Bukan aku cemburu tp lebih kepada rasa tidak selesa dan mil boleh kluar dan kata masuk le, malu kat org. Berdengung telinga aku. Argh.... TAK SUKA.
Atau aku yg emosi dan tidak menyenangkan. Mil bukan bodoh tp suka bercerita dan bw cerita dr satu cerita ke satu cerita. Tidak pernahkah dia rasa penat.
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how would i feel if i am the fish. |
Life and 1434 - 2013
Life before the hijrah Islamic calendar 1434 was a bit hectic as usual. Learning / Researching to gain knowledge is difficult especially if it involved your family - those that is closest to u. I sacrificed the loves of my husband and kids. But looking back, I tried to juggle and do whatever I could. The rest, I let ALLAH guide me with dua' and tawakkal.
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Google - 1434H / 2013 |
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Flood - Kelantan - part of East Coast Malaysia |
End of 2012, Malaysia - my home country is blessed with rain and flood. Deep inside my heart I pray for the best. Scared? Yes / No. I have been flooded before, :). Hey..enjoy life as given to u day by day, minute by minute, second by seconds.
At 42, I am trying to enjoy life, no more stress, that S. T. R. E. S. S. (6 letter words) will get rid it, letter by letter.
Coming 2013, nothing special happen, oops, yes there is. My youngest daughter climb the ladder to year 1. Huhu...she is 7 yrs old. Both daughters are getting older and older. My aims and objective for this year are to finish my postgraduate research and coming back home for good, going for 'umrah', pay my debts on schedule and tranquilness, last but not least, filing responsibilities for the things ALLAH bestowed upon me. :-).
"Ya ALLAH, ku pohon kepada MU. Tolonglah permudahkan urusan harian aku dan keluargaku. Bantulah kami utk mencapai ketenangan dunia akhirat, keimanan, ketakwaan, kebahagian dan keredhaan". Amin.
Hey ppl out there, God pls bless and help them too.
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