
14 Aug 2011

I have finished reading the book written after 41 years of Wan Mokhtar Ahmad services to nation, faith and the country. His "Kisah yang panjang" was light and easy reading but such a memorable and full of inspirations. Its like he was leading readers to the rightful ways in administration (administrating) - in the Islamic ways. Allahuakbar! There are so many inspired advices in this biography.
It does change my perspective in politics. Its not as dirty as what I think but ppl that makes it dirty. Once you are on top, you have to bear in mind that your responsibilities are for the countrymen, nation and faith. But when your tenure end, do not begrudge and blame others.

Reda atas sesuatu perkara yg terjadi kpd kita mmg agak sukar utk dilakukan, ttp mungkin dengan melupakannya & meneruskan kehidupan dgn memanjatkan harapan kepadaNYA blh membuat kita redha.
Excerpt from the book " Mrk bekerja berpandu keapda GO (General Orders atau FO - Financial Orders) dan tidak mahu melanggar sedikit pun arahan tersebut walaupun utk kebaikan. Bagi saya, GO dan FO ini merupakan panduan kerja sahaja supaya para petugas tidak tersasul dlm menjalankan tugas. Akal yg dikurniakan ALLAH itu wajarlah digunakan dng betul dlm usaha melicinkan tugas kita disamping tidak menyusahkan org lain."

Muzzakirah - kisah yg panjang

Petikan dari buku 'Muzzakirah" oleh Wan Mokthar Ahmad ms 90 - "Sebagai org baharu, tentu saya akan dikelilingi oleh mereka yang lama dan berpengalaman serba-serbi dlm politik ng. Tentulah harapan Tun Razak yg begitu tinggi kepd saya untuk menunaikan amanah ini sukar untuk dilaksanakan. Saya umpamakan perlantikan itu bagai memandu sebuah kereta terpakai yg menggunakan kelajuan antara 150 - 200 batu sejam, saya bimbang akan berlaku kemalangan"

Sememangnya apabila kita bernama manusia yg sukar utk tidak melakukan kesilapan, kita bimbang untuk memikul amanah..yg sudah tentu memerlukan sebuah pengorbanan. Tidak ada perjalanan yg tidak ada kerikil, batu yg bulat dan tajam, lopak yg dlm dan cetek. Begitulah kehidupan.


This excerpt was taken from a book written by Barry Wain - Mahathir .....will get the title later. Just? a bit about this editor - been living in Asia for 37 years (actually residing in Singapore - wonder if still in Asia) and hailed from Australia. Not that I'm pro exPM but there are things or written words about him feel like 'smacking' the author but there are the laws....;-) 
But a quote from the book -"Deputy Prime Minister (Almarhum) Ghafar Baba quoted a Malay proverb with an implicit warning to the monarchy: A just king is adulated, but an unjust one is to be shunned". That is being true...everybody not just the royalties..should be an honest and justing person. 
I am not a fan of this writer...he wrotes as if he knows malay better than the malay. Living in a colonial island with numbers of malay who couldn't voice their opinions and live in a so called develop country ; dare to write things based on others written report.. where were they when the malays fighting communist during the insurgency? Those foreigners out there, you may have come from a more develop country but you have no right to criticize other  country's administration. ALLAH give u guidance in your research...but yet you are unbelievers...only believe in yourself.


What have been doing for the past days

Mufti or Mahathir - A book. Another reading and excerpt taken from "Mufti Lawan Mahathir" by Ahmad Lutfi Othman. " Org Islam tidak pernah menentang suatu teknologi tinggi ttp tidaklah sampai meruntuhkan asas-asas syariat atau menentang dan melanggari syariat. Kita tidak menentang teknologi, ttp kalau hukumnya haram, tetap kita kata hukumnya haram.....Allah meminta kita menghormati dan mendoakan org yg meninggal dunia dng doa yg baik2 malah Nabi mengharamkan kita mengumpat mereka." . Interview with Mufti Perak - Dato' Haji Harussani Zakaria.

Notes: Not because  I am a perakian I recited & agreed with his statement. But it shows, Islam is simple + there's a thin line separating what is halal or haram.

Mengisi masa lapang - Montana Sky - July 30, 2011

Recollection of what i was doing which is not what i am suppose to do. For the past 8 months I've an indulgence for "readings", to keep my head "check + balance". Reading something that's purely academic, put my head in spins.
Nora Roberts Collection at www.noraroberts.com. A little bit about her, she is the #1 bestseller author, according to who/what journal or ratings I don't know.
But one thing that I can summarize is that her writing is simple, easy to grasp, funny but a little sexy. I love reading her 2 novels (this is the second reading of her books). I am a bit far behind of her lists of book.  Montana Sky is about the story of the daughters of a rancher, ups and downs of her life, the bitching of sisters...oops the word I used ...sorry for that....but hey...sometimes that's life written in book on paper.

Just try reading one of her books.