I have finished reading the book written after 41 years of Wan Mokhtar Ahmad services to nation, faith and the country. His "Kisah yang panjang" was light and easy reading but such a memorable and full of inspirations. Its like he was leading readers to the rightful ways in administration (administrating) - in the Islamic ways. Allahuakbar! There are so many inspired advices in this biography.
It does change my perspective in politics. Its not as dirty as what I think but ppl that makes it dirty. Once you are on top, you have to bear in mind that your responsibilities are for the countrymen, nation and faith. But when your tenure end, do not begrudge and blame others.
Reda atas sesuatu perkara yg terjadi kpd kita mmg agak sukar utk dilakukan, ttp mungkin dengan melupakannya & meneruskan kehidupan dgn memanjatkan harapan kepadaNYA blh membuat kita redha.
Excerpt from the book " Mrk bekerja berpandu keapda GO (General Orders atau FO - Financial Orders) dan tidak mahu melanggar sedikit pun arahan tersebut walaupun utk kebaikan. Bagi saya, GO dan FO ini merupakan panduan kerja sahaja supaya para petugas tidak tersasul dlm menjalankan tugas. Akal yg dikurniakan ALLAH itu wajarlah digunakan dng betul dlm usaha melicinkan tugas kita disamping tidak menyusahkan org lain."